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About: Headliner

Today is an exciting time to be in high school. You have so many opportunities that your parents and grandparents didn’t have – opportunities that will jump-start your future. Technological advances and global competition have changed the nature of work. Jobs today require high-tech knowledge and advanced technical skills. Work and learning will be integral parts of your life as you pursue your personal pathway to success.


Taking classes that offer college credit will save you time and money as you continue your education after high school. Whether your next step is college or direct entry into the workforce, CTE (Career and Technical Education) will give you the edge.

About: About
Student Highlight

Students Create Concussion Awareness Public Service Announcement

Students in the Health Science Education (HSE) Program at the Boone Career Center have completed a thirty-second public service announcement (PSA) about concussions. This PSA is part of their project for Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), the student-led organization for HSE.

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